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Accepted and Published! on Comixology

I'm published! There is a comic on Comixology with my name on it! I have compiled the black and white comics that I've made over the past few years as well as a preview of The Pod into a digital comic. The version is slightly different than I have shown before, I used some vintage paper textures overtop to emphasize the old school look of the book. I think it came out great. It is also available in my store for anyone wanting to get it direct from me. Only $1.25 CAD. Should I make some printed copies? I would love to, but first I need to see if the demand is there. Most likely I will especially if I do a local comic show.

There are 3 short stories and the first 7 pages of The Pod. All tales of sci-fi/Horror in the vein of old Creepy and Eerie from Warren Publishing in the 60's. I really like playing in that world and will definitely do more in the future. Check it out if it seems up your alley.

Tales of the Damned Cover by Luke Welch

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